Friday, August 19, 2011

"Check Your Vital Signs"

Take a glance with me,if you will, into a place not so different from our globe, and at the same time, worlds apart. It is a place where thunder strikes and lighting resounds, and where left seems right and up looks down. It is the place where that sense of joy, passion, and purpose is wrapped around you like a coat on a winter evening.It is the "(sur)reality" that lives in the wishful thinking compartment of each one of our minds. This place looks so flawless as we live in our "real job" lives. As if where we are now is just a temporary circumstance as we wait in limbo for the next door to be unlocked (this is not to say that our dream doors will never open, but knocking and waiting is far different from breaking and entering). As if to say that, if or when we ever reach this promised land of purely blissful meaning in our lives, we will then feel as if we have "done"something .But when we snap out of that trance, and into the here and now, we will find that the ever evasive figment of our masquerading purpose has long since alluded us.My friends, we have got it all wrong. That road sign in our mind that says "Next Stop Happiness in 2 miles(or years)" is nothing but a fabrication. The true measure of purpose in this life is not when we feel we are changing the world, but rather when we seize the day (even the boring ones) when life seems to be on auto pilot. By no means does this state that we are not to constantly and fervently pursue every day with passion and vigor, and to dream like we will never wake,but if we are simply living for glorious moments, then we will surely be let down. The world will only change, when we live this life as if we are alive. A world on life support does not need another empty worded quack of a doctor with no power, it needs to be cured of its disease. That cure is only given from people who are living "alive". So check your vital signs and do not chase a fairy tale state of mind, which only dangles a carrot in front of you.Instead, make a normal day a day you will never forget, not because a choir of angels sang from the heavens as you unlocked your mirage of a destiny, but because you simply lived (and will continue to live) every good, bad, and ugly moment here on this earth with your entire heart on the line. Do not change the world, change your heart, and the world will soon follow.

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