Tuesday, August 9, 2011

"A Beautiful Storm in the Neighborhood"

There is something about a storm gently rumbling in the distance that speaks so deeply to me. Whenever the occasion arises, I love to sit back  and reflect on how is much more then simply thunder and lightning approaching. My perception has always been somewhat unorthodox when it comes to the weather.When the air is windy, and there not a blue in the sky, most people feel doom and gloom, but I find pure inspiration. Maybe it's Gods unique way of speaking to me through storms and clouds. I love to simply sit and watch a cosmic thundershower unfold in my little corner of the universe. Of course, rarely does anything occur in nature that does not have a deep spiritual undertone attached at its hip. But what is the underlying theme in a handful of individual's strange love for the overcast? I am slowly realizing that it is all intertwined with how we as people should deal with what is traditionally looked at as "storms". The typical mind, when greeted in the morning with the soft rays of sunlight will most likely think,"Today is gonna be good.", but there are a few of us who feel just the opposite. I guess what I am hinting at is the fact that what we typically think of as a good day doesn't have to be limited by absence of clouds(both tangible and abstract). Our day truly is what we make of it, as cliche as it seems. All in all, I cannot get enough of being under the overcast. Some may say you can only look on the bright side of life when the sun is there to greet you. I say, when the clouds gather for a friendly cosmic "meet and greet", the beautiful strokes of lightning offer some brilliantly crafted light of their own.