Saturday, August 6, 2011

"And I Quoted"

  What is it about a famous quote that can so profoundly inspire us with a few words in between some punctuation? Is it the cleverly worded phrases or the strongly worded sentences? I honestly don't think it's that simple. I believe that what makes the countless "pen to paper" legacies so profound is that they are simply thoughts conveyed with unfiltered and unbiased sincerity. Every human is perfectly capable of saying "Today is a beautiful day.", but the possibilities of how the day is beautiful to YOU or I are as limitless as the shapes of a snowflake. I'm pretty sure we have all had enough of people saying the same things, in the same way to the tune of the same broken record. I dare triple dog dare you( yes, I went there) to speak your mind without fear of failure or unoriginality, because there just may be someone waiting to hear what only you can say, which might just change their life forever . You don't have to be a professor at Oxford in your mid sixties to say something worth placing between quotation marks. Just simply say what only you can say, and only how you can say it. You have a voice, you might as well make it official. #AndIQuot(ed)

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